Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where we think, too

“Scientists using seat-of-the-pants research – literally – say how something feels to you can affect how you act,” Randolph Schmid reports for Associated Press. “In one experiment, for example, 86 people took part in negotiations over a new car with a sticker price of $16,500 [U.S.]. Some were seated on hard wooden chairs. Others had comfy padded seats. After their first offers were rejected, the participants made a second proposal for the car. People on stiff wooden chairs took a hard line in the deal, raising their offered price by $896.50. But the relaxed folks in soft chairs were willing to spend an extra $1,243.60. The hardness, the researchers concluded, produced strictness and rigidity in the negotiation. ‘We’re not just a brain in a jar; our body is fundamentally tied to our understanding of the world,’ said Joshua Ackerman of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a co-author of the study.”

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

my wall today

i'm working towards the text(s) i'm writing on walking

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

annexLAB is now bohmLAB

we've decided to name our lab in homage to our dearly missed computer prof, thomas seebohm:

introducing bohmLAB
