Monday, March 8, 2010

LaN - workshop proposal from Lauren

Hi School,

This is a feeler email - I'm trying to see if there would be interest from students, former students, or faculty in attending a workshop by Live architecture Network (LaN)

WHERE: Toronto (or maybe Cambridge if there's enough local interest)
WHEN: 3 days (consecutively) between April 16 -21

WHO THEY ARE: http://www.livearch itecture. net/

LaN approaches architectural development through interdiscipl inary collaborations enabled by DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION. LaN recognizes the power of digital fabrication, not merely as a toolset of a high technical caliber, but as the driver of particular groupings of resources–an organization of human, economic, and material assets–varying widely based on project circumstances. LaN’s mode of operation is PARAMETRIC in nature, and seeks to re-associate architecture with a flexible, collaborative, & data-rich practice of SPATIAL DESIGN. >>

THE WORKSHOP: Critical Practices of ‘LIVE ARCHITECTURE’ http://www.livearch itecture. net/archives/ 5230

3 day seminar on LIVE aspects of digital design & fabrication for architecture

Its clear in 2010 perhaps more than ever that significant shifts in economies and culture can occur extremely rapidly; climatic crisis can devastate enormous populations in seconds. Our architectural response time is critical. The architectural recourse of one crisis needs to be more than a temporary fix as it is often the only opportunity to implement further preventative measures for a future occurrence.

Parametric practices are moving architectural design on a micro-scale through dynamic modeling & on more significantly on a macro-scale towards a dynamic architectural medium–a Live practice. LaN asks you to abandon representation modes of design and practice LIVE.

NOTE: The workshop is a combination of lecture and instruction labs in Rhino. For those of you who are interested in attending, but who aren't confident in your Rhino skills (like me), we can arrange a half-day intro tutorial to bring you up to speed.

COST: between $225 and $350 depending on how soon you sign up

IF YOU'RE INTERESTED: Let me know! They are interested in bringing the workshop here, but only if people will show up. So if I don't here from you - it won't happen.
You can respond to me at laurenbarhydt@
Also, the workshop would be open to anyone so pass it around to your working friends!


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